Lending Calculators
Before you borrow, begin your research here.
Line up a loan that's in line with your finances
Figure out which loan option gets you where you want to go without dragging you down financially.

Debt Consolidation Calculator
Estimate how much money you could save by consolidating your debt into a new loan from CommonWealth One.

Student Loan Refinance Calculator
Reworking your student loan debt could reduce your monthly payments by several degrees.

Personal Loan Calculator
Before you sign the papers, make sure your loan fits your budget and moves your plans forward.

HELOC Calculator
Estimate how much equity might be available in your home to finance your big projects.

HELOC Payment Calculator
Quickly see what your minimum monthly payment could be and how much you could save by making additional payments.

HELOC Debt Consolidation Calculator
Find out how much you could save by consolidating debt into a Home Equity Line of Credit from us.
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Creating Your Backyard Oasis: Home Improvement Projects that Pay