Savings & Budgeting Calculators
Strengthen your savings, empower yourself.
Chart your course toward financial success
Putting together the right savings strategy can help you reach short-term goals and work toward your bigger visions on the horizon.

Savings Interest Calculator
See how you can build your balance quickly with compound savings.

Future Value Calculator
Track the potential growth of your investments and what the results might be after a certain period of time.

Healthcare Savings Account (HSA) Calculator
This calculator shows your potential earnings based on your rate of return, the amount you deposit and more.

Certificate Calculator
When you invest in a Certificate from CommonWealth One, this calculator shows how much you'll earn over the full term.

Savings Goal Calculator
Figure how long it will take to save the amount of money you need to reach your goal.

College Savings Calculator
Based on your expected college expenses, you can estimate how much money you need to set aside each month.

Budget Calculator
Figure out how you spend money so you can work on saving more of it.

Certificate Ladder Calculator
Increase your savings growth by spreading your deposits across multiple certificates with different rates and terms.